Full-time Experience

RMI (Rocky Mountain Institute) Aug. 2021 -- present

An independent, non-partisan, non-profit organization working to accelerate the clean energy transition
Senior Associate | Power decarbonization , Beijing, China Mar. 2023 -- present
Associate | Power decarbonization , Beijing, China Aug. 2021 -- Mar. 2023
  • Conducted research on the carbon-neutral roadmap, power market reform, demand-side flexibility and renewable energy market in China program
  • Led the in-house power system modeling for capacity expansion, dispatch optimization and economic evaluation and initiated the cross-team Quant Lab for data management & modeling integration
  • Selected projects: Subnational power system decarbonization pathways in Qinghai 「Report 中文, English」 , Shaanxi, Shandong, etc; Thought leadership on the new power system 「Report 中文, English」, Power market reform annual outlook 「Report 中文, English」, Renewables market entry consultation for a global energy company; Digitalization and AI for carbon neutrality collaborated with Baidu 「Report 中文」

Internship / Part-time Experience

Teaching Assistant | Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands Aug. 2020 -- Feb, 2021

R&D Intern | Shanghai Electric, Shanghai, China Dec. 2018 -- Jun. 2019

A Chinese multinational power generation and electrical equipment manufacturing company
  • Worked for the Digital Power Plant project to realize condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of steam turbines through data mining
  • Developed the evaluated 6 data preprocessing algorithms to resolve data redundancy, anomaly detection and data imputation

BD/Analysis Intern | ENGIE China, Shanghai, China Sep. 2018 -- Feb. 2019

A French multinational energy and services group leading low-carbon power generation and customer solutions
  • Actively tracked market intelligence relevant to solid biomass fuel in China and participated in due diligence of two target M&A firms (desk research & site visit)
  • Conducted the study on China biomass market from supply sustainability to operation safety, from competitive benchmarking to enabling policies

Research Assistant | Shenzhen Institute of Building Research, Shanghai, China Jul. 2018 -- Nov. 2018

The Shanghai Research&Innovation Center focuses on solutions about sustainable cities and communities
  • Worked for an national program cooperated with Berkeley Lab (US) to investigate city-level solutions for en-ergy saving and carbon reduction and thereby propose policy recommendations for cities in China
  • Specifically compared 8 recognized tools & 9 indicator systems and analyzed over 50 policies’ attributes, de-livered 100+ pages’ research report

Project Student | Sweco Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark Feb. 2018 -- Jun. 2018

A European architecture and engineering consultancy company for sustainable cities and communities
  • Analyzed the performance of various utility plants, distribution grids and domestic installations under different district heating temperature
  • Developed an Excel-based model to perform system valuation of district heating systems covering financial, environmental, energy and socio-economic aspects


Professional in energy system analysis and sustainable energy solutions.

Data Analysis

Energy System Modeling

Electricity market

Socio-economic evaluation